How to prevent spermatocele or to detect it?

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Actually there are no steps that can be recommended to prevent spermatocele except routine examination of changes in the scrotum, such as the mass that can be done alone.

You can do your testicles for examination by standing in front of your mirror after a hot bath or shower to create a relaxed scrotum, so that you can get a better opportunity to detect it.

The first step find swelling of the scrotal skin and do the examination on each testicle with both hands. Place your index and middle fingers under the testicle and your thumb on it.
Next gently roll testicle between the thumb and fingers. The testes should be smooth, oval-shaped and somewhat firm and one testicle to be slightly larger than the others. Also, the cord leading upward from the top of the testicle (epididymis) is a normal part of the scrotum. Contact your doctor immediately if you find a lump. That are what you have to do to check your spermatocele condition.

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