reproductive system and is made up of male sexual organs (prostate,
seminal vesicles, urethra proximal) and outer (distal urethra and penis,
scrotum and testes) to the body.Its
role is twofold: the reproductive function, namely the production and
release of sperm into the semen, sexual function, erectile function that
allows you to do is type autoerotic activity is eteroerotico type in presence of a partner.Components
that originate from the fetus first have to develop according to renal
function or blood filtration and urine production, populated by germ
cells that later under the guidance of androgens, particularly
testosterone and its active form, DHT (dihydrotestosterone) will organize the development of specific structures. The
role of male hormones is fundamental because the structures are the
same for development in the feminine sense, and if it is missing in a
more or less early fetal development, the system can result in abnormal
structures or uncoordinated with the genetic sex, as the adrenogenital syndrome. The
final part, the urethra, is shared with the excretory system, urinary
system (kidney, ureter, bladder), which allows the emptying of the
bladder (urinary).The penis
penis is made from the auction penile-shaped or cylindrical-like
truncated pyramid with the apex and base of the glans larger
cone-shaped. The
skin, with characters of high elasticity, plays all over the body and
the distal third (almost to the glans) is folded to form the foreskin
covering the glans more or less completely, and the apex of which is
connected to the ventral frenulum, more popularly called a thread.
main structure of both is vascular, called the corpus cavernosum for
the auction (there two: cc-corpus cavernosum and the left-right) and
bodied spongisoso for luretra and the glans. This
is largely a network of vessels communicating with each other: a good
supply of blood with a rapid increase in volume and pressure, combined
with the rigidity of the covering sheath (especially the tunica
albuginea) are the basic conditions for the establishment of the
auction, therefore, consists of two side cylinders, the corpora
cavernosa, surrounded by a sheath of fibrous tissue inelastic, the
tunica albuginea and a cylinder median ventral corpus spongiosum, which
is placed the spongy or penile urethra . The
corpora cavernosa are the dysfunction, the urethra is the channel for
urine output, thus connected to the bladder, and sperm, ejaculate,
therefore, connected to the ducts that collect the semen from the
prostate, seminal vesicles and testes.
glans penis is the end, useful for its shape to facilitate penetration,
with its apex at the urethral opening, the meatus, which is used to
issue out of the urine (urination) and sperm ( ejaculation).The testes, the spermatic cord, scrotum
testicles perform two functions simultaneously, for which we can speak
of tubular Functions and Functions endocrina. The first leads to the production of sperm, the second to the secretion of male hormone (androgen) called testosterone.The
production of sperm, which is regulated primarily produced by the
pituitary hormone called FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) is made from
egg-shaped component contained in the seminiferous tubules of the
testis called Didymus. The
sperm in this forum do not have mobility, are collected and channeled
through a long tube that forms the particle that is above the Didymus,
that that continues in the epididymis vas deferens in the spermatic cord
which runs up to enter the body through the inguinal canal. The deferential in the terminal portion expands nell'ampolla semen.The
production and secretion of testosterone is made by groups of cells,
Leydig cells present in clumps of tissue between the seminiferous
tubules: their activity is regulated primarily produced by the pituitary
hormone called LH (luteinizing hormone).
spermatic cord is a cord made from the blood vessels, nerves, the vas
deferens and cremaster muscle, thus connecting the testicle to the rest
of the body. The
pots are made dall'arteria sperm (from the aorta) that carries blood to
the testicle, then the network converges pampiniform vein in the
spermatic vein (in part connected with the circuit-iliac pelvic venous
system and in part with the renal vein )
that takes away the blood from the testis, the lymphatic network that
drains the lifeblood of testicular structures (pelvic lymphatic plexus
then converging). The
nerves are made up of the transport network of nerve impulses
regulating the testicular function and vascular and sensory perception
from the testis, the umbilical cord and scrotal structures: they all
converge to the pelvic nerve plexus and the lumbosacral nerve roots of
the spinal column. The
cremaster muscle consists of fibers from the rectus abdominis muscle
and its fibers of the cord that are designed to ensure the position of
the testicle in the scrotum and abdomen compared.
scrotum is a sac of skin arising from the abdominal perineal
pubic-coated inside by a sheet arising from the abdominal peritoneum
called the vaginal tunic divided into a left and a right part, each of
which surrounds the testis and their being responsible for the high degree
of sensitivity and responsiveness-scrotal testes; it only protects the
testis, thanks to a low water table allows the liquid to move the
testicle inside the scrotum and that the moderate pressures are more
dispersed, the lower pole of the testis there is a fold that connects the scrotum called the gubernaculum testis that holds the testicle in the correct position. The
structure contributes to the muscle under the skin of the scrotum
thermoregulation of the testis, through phases of expansion, in case of
temperature increase with the removal of the testes from the abdominal
cavity, and retraction, with reduction in the temperature of the
testicles closer to the abdominal cavity . This
mechanism is designed to ensure the constancy of the temperature
function for the testicles to be at least 1 ° C lower than the abdomen
is largely negated by the use of tight clothing such as pants or jeans.
sexual arousal, the muscles of the scrotal releases and contracts
according to the various stages of arousal and testes located close to
the body, sometimes even edged up slightly in the inguinal canal itself,
in the presence of a certain laxity inguinal ring.The prostate and seminal vesicles
prostate is a small gland, shaped typically chestnut, more than 3 cm in
transverse diameter, anteroposterior diameters, and vesico-urethral
maximum 2 cm), located below the bladder and front wall of the intestine
before the rectum, so it is with a palpable Digital exploration or visible by ultrasound transrectal probe).
prostate is practically throughout its length from the first perforated
part of the urethra (prostatic urethra), which in its initial part is
the funnel neck or vesicles. In
the prostate there are two symmetrical side lobes, passing it through
the ends of the vas deferens to the channel ending with prostatic
urethral at which they stop well short of the
ducts of the seminal vesicles.
prostate is responsible for producing approximately one third of the
volume of liquid, while other aspects are still not well known.
seminal vesicles are small pockets (on average 6 cm x 2 cm) attached to
their vas deferens (from which) where they end, participating in the
training of scholars ejaculate, are located posterior and inferior to
the bladder. The
seminal vesicles provide for the production of about two thirds of the
volume of the ejaculate, producing among other various nutrients for the
sperm, including fructose (the initial fuel for the sperm) and
gel-forming proteins that have conservative on sperm function by
reducing mobility.
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