Congenital stenosis is rare
Urethral strictures are rarely congenital. The reason is then usually a malformation of the genital organs.
Causes of acquired narrowing
Acquired urethral strictures later in life can arise by a variety of events, including by:
Infections of the urethra (for example, gonorrhea). By the infection develops scar healing, which can then shrink through the urethra. Because of today's usual early treatment with antibiotics such contractions are scarred but have become rare.
Infections of the glans (balanitis)
Trauma (pelvic trauma, blunt trauma dam). The subsequent narrowing of the urethra due to scar contraction often develops very slowly, so that the trauma of his already fallen into oblivion.
Manipulation of the urethra: catheterization, cystoscopy, prostate surgery, which are carried out through the urethra (TURP)
Tumors of the urethra
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