Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome

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Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome / PADAM

Decrease in sperm production, decreased testicular volume, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle strength and grip strength, decreased bone density (see osteoporosis), decreased beard growth, declining performance, dry and rough skin, increase in body weight with increased body fat, decreased oxygen supply to the organism by decrease in red blood cells, chronic fatigue, hot flushes and sweats, insomnia, apathy, reduced depressed mood, poor concentration, decreased self-esteem, increased irritability

Testosterone levels
Testosterone is the primary androgen.
One of the main causes of andropause the male is the slow decline in testosterone production. The testosterone deficiency syndrome summarizes all complaints that may arise from a lack of testosterone. It is the technical term often abbreviated PADAM. This is the English term: partial androgen deficiency in the aging male (partial androgen deficiency in aging men). Testosterone is the most important androgen (male sex hormones) in men.

Normal values ​​are 12-40 nmol / l.
The testosterone level in an adult male is between 12 and 40 nmol / l. The blood level is subject to daily fluctuations. 18 to 22 clock in the evening are the lowest values ​​in the early morning they are 35 percent higher than the average values. Signs of the morning "peak" is as the frequently occurring spontaneous morning erections. When the aging male morning values ​​are initially lower. Finally, decreases in testosterone levels slowly. A man aged 70 achieved only 2 / 3 of the testosterone levels of a young man.

Many factors can affect hormone production.
There are large individual differences. Some men have testosterone levels at 70 to still within the normal range. They are also at an advanced age still able to have children. With 50 other men have been clear signs of testosterone deficiency. These differences are partly genetic. But also many external factors affect the hormone production. So

    lasting or permanent fasting diets
    psychological and / or physical stress
    Drugs and Alcohol
    Severe acute illnesses such as heart attack, infectious disease or surgery)
    chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, AIDS, liver disease, kidney disease, etc.
    various medications, which must be taken long term

encourage a reduction in hormone production.

Drugs, leading to decreased testosterone levels.
Among the drugs that affect hormone levels, include

    High blood pressure
    Heart medicines
    Gastro-intestinal agents

In an established androgen deficiency, it may be necessary to convert an existing medication.

In general, the values ​​for testosterone at the age of 30 to 40 years, gradually decreases. If the value below 12 nmol / l, it shall be deemed to require treatment.

Androgens are hormones with a variety of tasks.
Male sex hormones perform many tasks. They govern the body, the functions and structure of the reproductive organs, libido (sexual interest), the potency and vitality, voice and growth of beard, pubic hair (secondary sexual characteristics).

Both the strength and the kind of complaints can be very different.
As varied as the tasks are so varied may be the symptoms and complaints are a lack of androgens and testosterone or specially created to support. These include:

    Decrease in sperm production
    Decrease in testicular volume
    Decrease in libido
    Erectile Dysfunction
    decreasing muscle strength and grip strength
    Decrease in bone density (see Osteoporosis)
    decreased beard growth
    decreasing performance
    dry and rough skin
    Weight increases with increase in body fat percentage
    decreased oxygen supply to the organism by decrease in red blood cells
    chronic fatigue
    Hot flushes and sweats
    Drive faults
    depressed mood
    Lack of concentration
    low self-esteem
    increased irritability

The women are role models
Many men believe that their complaints to age alone or must be attributed. At best, they are still viewed as stress-related. What this means for them, they accept it. But this explanation is at the present state of knowledge is no longer sufficient. Women have long recognized that many of their complaints can be traced in the second half of life to a hormone deficiency. The menopause and its symptoms are not easily accepted. It should also recognize the men.

The hormone deficiency can be compensated
Hormone deficiency is characterized by the substitution of testosterone now treatable. Testosterone can be administered intramuscularly on the skin, as a medicament for oral or by injection. Tablets have the problem that the amount of the drug is actually absorbed by the body, is very strong from the time of ingestion after a meal and the fat content of food depends. Therefore, the correct dosage is not easy. In many cases today, testosterone, administered via injection. The effect then lasts about 2 to 3 weeks. This means that man again after this time to the physician, for the next injection. That many perceive as a nuisance. At the moment the research under way for a depot injection. Which would then only be injected every three months.

Substitution on the skin
Through the skin is usually only mild hormone deficiencies using a hormone patch or a testosterone-containing gel treatment.

The symptoms disappear quickly
The therapy is not always successful. When it strikes, the symptoms have disappeared quickly. Libido and potency, improves muscle mass increases at the expense of fat back and the bone density is also rising.

Regular checks are important
An absolute contraindication for the administration of testosterone, the prostate cancer that would grow faster by a dose of testosterone. Therefore, the regulation is needed before a thorough examination and diagnostic evaluation. Men being treated with hormones should necessarily take regular medical checks to complete. Recommended would be conducted twice yearly checkups. Women with hormone replacement therapy are treated in the same way.

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