MUSE / PGE 1 application
The therapy must be individually tailored
The fairly accurate and reliable diagnostic methods make it possible nowadays one individual to the similar treatment of erectile dysfunction. Depending on the diagnosis, the physician and his patient several options available, so this also to the wishes and needs of the individual (and his partner) can be adjusted.
Prostaglandins are made through a tube into the urethra
One way in which non-invasive treatment of erectile dysfunction, even in the urethra appliqued PGE1 (prostaglandin). The best known member is MUSE ® (Medicated Urethral System for Erection). Of these, especially men, who refuse to self-injection therapy should be addressed. Stakeholders can be administered via an inserted plastic tube into the urethra to the drug itself, without, as in the self-injection therapy, having to stand in the penis.
The effect occurs after about 20 minutes. The drug must pass through the urethra into the erectile tissue. Efficacy was observed in about 40 percent of those affected. Side effects are:
Pain in the penis (36 percent)
Pain in the urethra (13 percent)
Testicular pain (5 percent)
Urethral bleeding (3 percent)
Hypotension (3 percent)
Dizziness (4 percent)
Syncope (brief loss of consciousness) (0.4 percent))
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