Toilet visits to "schedule".
When toilet training is about to determine the optimal time to empty the bladder. This is important so that "catch" the person in question the right time to go to the toilet and before the urge to urinate begins. The training can look like the following: The parties are beginning to urinate every two hours on the toilet. That they do, no matter whether one is there or not urinate. The intervals are then gradually extended. The whole is carried out until a personal rhythm is stable. Of course, this rhythm is strongly influenced by the amount needed and the severity of incontinence depends on the individual.
A Thermoval facilitates the implementation and makes the success.
A toilet training is an effective measure especially for older people who have lost control of her bladder emptying. Through a consistent run through toilet training are often very soon a success. It is helpful if individuals do to support one Thermoval in which they enter the bladder emptying. So successful are quickly visible. On our pages you will find a form to Thermoval to print and fill out the appropriate information.
Implementation should be voluntary.
Toilet training can be carried out effectively only when individuals participate voluntarily and consistently. A forced toilet training is almost always ineffective, because consistency and perseverance are necessary. For toilet training often works soon. The capacity of the bladder increases gradually on the rise and control of their bladder emptying.
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