The presentation of the urethra is a common procedure carried out.
The Urethrografie is an X-ray contrast imaging of the urethra, the urethra. It is used in cases of suspected urethral strictures, which are strong contractions, injuries, deformities and tumors of the urethra and bladder dysfunction. When the woman comes Urethrografie can also be used if it is suspected that the uterus or vagina are deeply resigned. This can bring bladder dysfunction or urinary incontinence with it. The Urethrografie is also the investigation method of choice for injuries of the urethra (ex.On riding accident) to localize the site of injury.
Before performing a blank record to represent stones or foreign objects is made. Then, similar to an MCU, reverse contrast medium instilled into the urethra. Therefore, this method is also known as retrograde Urethrografie. Here, the catheter inside the urethra is blocked. This should be done as slowly as possible because this is very painful. The individual shall be requested to relax his bladder sphincter arbitrary, so the contrast agent can get into the bladder. This is not an easy task. Illustrates the success, however, by the bottle, which is located in the contrast medium, the rising air bubbles when the sphincter relaxes and gets the contrast agent into the bladder. If the bladder is filled, is observed under fluoroscopy the bladder emptying.
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