The Reflex incontinence occurs when disease by the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain or spinal cord that control bladder emptying (see urination), is flawed. Here, the contraction of the bladder muscle and / or the relaxation of the urethral closure is no longer inhibited by nerve impulses. There are two types.
The spinal reflex incontinence occurs as a result of illness or injury to the spinal cord. This takes place while the bladder muscle contracts due to a reflex, but the person feels no urge to urinate. The reason is that the nerves connecting the brain - spinal cord is broken. Therefore, it is also not the toilet. He can not control his bladder muscle arbitrary and there is an involuntary loss of urine.
At the supraspinal reflex incontinence is the arbitrary control of bladder emptying due to loss of brain disorders.
The consequences of involuntary loss of urine in varying intervals and in varying amounts. Frequent urge to urinate is not previously felt. Patients have, in addition often neurological deficits.
The self-catheterization is often the drug of first choice.
In therapy, the focus is on the protection of the kidneys. Their ability to function must be conserved. Only in second place comes the treatment of incontinence. The reflex incontinence should always be treated by a doctor. When conservative therapy, a complete emptying of the bladder is possible with low pressures in the foreground. This is achieved through a catheterization. In general, the self-catheterization is recommended. The employees of the person concerned, and instructions are necessary. Which must then be emptied 4-6 times a day his bladder through a catheter. An electrical stimulation can be applied supportive. Operations can be individually applied in case of failure of conservative therapy. They are absolutely in the hands of an experienced surgeon, the individual selects the appropriate surgical procedure. This affects about 30 percent of patients with reflex incontinence.
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