Prostate Specific Antigen

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The PSA should be in the blood level of 4 ng exceed / ml.
PSA stands for prostate-specific antigen. PSA is a protein and is formed primarily by the epithelial cells of the prostate gland and secreted into the seminal fluid. In the blood, it comes in healthy men only in very small quantities. In various diseases of the prostate but increased PSA is released into the blood.

The total PSA (tPSA) should be below 2.5 ng / ml serum. It usually increases with age, but should be a limit of 4.0 ng exceed / ml. The total PSA level is composed of complexed PSA (cPSA) and free PSA (fPSA). cPSA is more established in prostate cancer, while increased gutatrigen fPSA in prostate diseases.

At elevated levels, further diagnostic procedures to clarify the cause.
Elevated levels are found in BPH, prostate inflammation, prostate cancer, a biopsy or massage the prostate and prostate after partial removal. Elevated levels are found, it should be found with the help of further diagnostic measures, which underlies disease.

It should also be determined by the free PSA (fPSA). The ratio fPSA, tPSA is divided by a highly specific indicator for prostate carcinoma, if the value is below 0.15.

The bowel is very important before.
The PSA is a test for cancer screening and more important. Unfortunately, the test as a routine check for cancer screening is not yet paid by the statutory health insurance. An implementation costs about 20 €.

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