Urine additives cylinder

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The slower the flow of urine, the wider the cylinder.
In addition, can be found in urine sediment called cylinders. Cylinders are roll-shaped structures made of aggregated proteins (hyaline casts), erythrocytes, leukocytes and desquamated epithelial cells (Epithelzylinder) can exist. The cylinders are most often in the distal tubule of the nephron. Their appearance depends on the flow velocity. With a slow urine flow, the cylinder is wider, faster than with a urine flow.

The THP is produced in the kidney.
The cylinders are either made of THP (Tamm-Horsfall mucoprotein) which is a glycoprotein that is produced only in the kidney. You can also consist of THP and cellular elements, fat globules, erythrocytes, leukocytes, and pigments.

 Cylinder may consist of a variety of additions. They are sometimes difficult to distinguish.

Frequent cylinder are:

    Granular casts consist of THP and various deposits of fat, protein or cell debris. You are not indicative of a specific diagnosis, but come in front of serious systemic diseases.
    Hyaline cylinders are composed almost exclusively of THP. They are proteins, and cylinders are difficult to depict. Under the microscope they look like cigar-shaped and are nearly transparent with a very smooth surface. Hyaline cylinders are frequently detected in healthy urine. They found, however, especially with dehydration, such as by thirst, after jogging or as a result of medications for the dewatering (diuretics)
    Red blood cell casts are made of THP and erythrocytes and suggest a glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the glomeruli) points. They are regarded as evidence of bleeding within the kidney.
    Leukozytenzylinder consist of THP and leukocytes and are found in bacterial kidney inflammation and also in diseases of the glomeruli.
    Epithelzylinder consist of epithelial cells and THP. They point to a severe injury to the Tubulusapparates and are predominantly found in acute renal failure. Often Epithelzylinder, although they are slightly larger, not easy to distinguish from Leukozytenzylindern.
    Lipoidzylinder (fat cylinder) resulting in deposits of fat globules and proteins in a hyaline cylinder. They are recorded in nephrotic syndrome and heavy proteinuria.
    Pigment cylinders consist of THP and retention of different pigments: hemoglobin cylinder with glomerulonephritis, hemoglobinuria and systemic diseases affecting the kidney. Bilirubinzylinder hepatitis and cholestasis. Myoglobinzylinder in severe destruction of muscle cells, for example, as a result of accident or if alcohol or heroin addiction.

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