Symptoms in Urology

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Urine: polyuria, oliguria, anuria
Urinary bladder is emptying.
Micturition is the medical term for bladder emptying. The term micturition all forms of change or disturbance can be summarized in bladder emptying. Also the amount of daily urine is important. The reasons are varied for Miktionsveränderungen. They can be justified inflammatory, mechanical, neurogenic, or psychogenic.

Observations on the toilet can be a lot of notes.
The urinary excretion is an everyday occurrence. Here, people can even make a few observations that provide clues to physical processes. So what matters the examination of the urine of the oldest diagnostic procedures in medicine at all. These include general instructions:

    the amount of urine excreted daily changes
    The color is variable
    the frequency with which someone has to go to the toilet is different.

Much - much - or almost nothing:
The urine is often the way forward.
First, it is important how much a patient excretes urine per day. The daily urine output is dependent on the fluid intake. It varies, depending on how much someone drinks, on average between 1000 to 1500 ml per 24 hours. Changes to this are medically referred to as:

    Anuria: urine, or if no less than 100 ml per 24 hours will be eliminated.
    Oliguria: when little urine, i.e. less than 500 ml per day are excreted.
    Polyuria: when the daily amount of urine is more than 4 liters.

This classification gives the doctor a first overview of possible disease processes, because any displacement of the urine can have various causes.

Anuria and oliguria suggest a lack of fluid.
If the urine output decreases as the anuria or oliguria of less drastic form, so the first reason is lack of fluid in question. It is possible that the person consumes too much liquid relative to its fluid intake, such as heavy work as miners, steel workers or athletes. Affected parties can not drink too little, for example, because his body shows no thirst. This is very often the case in older people. They often slip gradually into an unconscious from dehydration because they do not experience thirst.

Causes of altered urinary excretion may be due to systemic diseases affecting the kidney.
Are these reasons for a decreased urinary excretion excluded, the reason may also in disorders of the cardiovascular system are. In heart failure, for example, the person stores more water in the tissue rather than eliminate it. Such causes as prerenal called the doctor, which means "situated in front of the kidney" (pre = before, ren = kidney). If the reason for an increased urinary excretion from the kidneys, the kidneys are healthy, and another disease found only in the excreted urine expression. As prerenal causes are three groups of diseases in question. In one group, the disease takes an indirect influence on the urine concentration ability of the kidney (eg diabetes insipidus). The second group includes diseases that indirectly take on an increased sensation of thirst (polydipsia) influence on the amount of urine. The sensation of thirst is controlled mentally and neuro and there may be disturbed. In addition, many systemic diseases affect the functioning of the kidneys and hence also on the amount of urine.

Is below the kidneys of the urinary tract "blocked", the urine backs up.
In other cases, though produced urine from the kidneys, but the runoff is prevented by illness. That may be, for example, kidney stones, or prostate or urethral stenosis. These diseases can cause an affected his bladder can not empty spontaneously. Such causes of decreased urine output is called postrenal, which means "located behind the kidney" (post = after, ren = kidney). If a post-renal "constipation" is removed, it can temporarily come to an increased urine excretion (polyuria). The initially accumulated urine flows from increasing. Then normalized as a rule, the urine again.
When kidney failure is also excreted less urine.
A typical example of decreased urine output, when the cause is in the area of ​​the kidney, the renal failure, the failure of the kidneys to carry out their tasks. Then stagnated in the production of urine. Renal causes of increased urine output can also be kidney damage, the consequences of a systemic disease. This is the case with diabetes mellitus Sun

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