Kidneys external shape and its position

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Kidneys look something like this, like a red bean. Slightly bigger but they are already. Their average weight is 120-200 g. They are reddish-brown, about 6 inches wide and 11 cm long and 2.5 cm thick. The right kidney is usually slightly larger than the left. The kidneys are located below the diaphragm, right and left of the spine. We distinguish in their upper and lower pole, and a front and a back side. On the side facing the spine is the Nierenhilum, a deep collection (the inner curvature of the "bean"), which lead to the blood vessels, nerves and ureters and originate. In this way, the two kidneys, right and left of the spine are facing with their Nierenhili.

The kidney is encased in a capsule of connective tissue and surrounded by a fat pad
The kidneys themselves are completely covered by a fibrous capsule. However, the Nierenhilum thereof is omitted. In addition, the kidneys are embedded in a fat pad, which stabilized their position in the body and protects them from shocks. This is the so-called brown fat or Baufett, in contrast to the yellow grease, (which normally accumulates in the preponderance of points visible from the outside) remains stable in its ground and not subject to the dietary changes. Only in a state of great distress to the body, such as an extremely severe and prolonged starvation, the body falls in this very important (structural) reserve.

Motorcycle riders know - vibrations of the kidneys should be avoided at
The fatty padding of the kidney is in turn surrounded by a thin connective tissue sheath further. These "shells" are the only support that keep the kidneys in their place in the body. Although the kidneys are attached on their sleeves at the rear body panel. This contact is not as strong, as is the case with other organs. Other organs within the abdominal cavity (peritoneal cavity) such as the intestine, liver or stomach, are held by abdominal wall slings in the abdominal wall. These loops are also called abdominal wall or mesentery mesentery. Because the kidneys are not surrounded by the peritoneum, it can also be held not so. This is also the reason that the kidneys are sensitive to vibration. Why motorcyclists should always wear a lap belt or kidney. This belt is - as is often assumed is - not there to protect the kidneys from drafts. Rather, he should compensate the many small and sometimes large vibrations when driving and keep the kidneys in place.

The upper pole of the kidney is hidden under the last two ribs
Each person has two kidneys. They lie to the left and right of the spine and just below the diaphragm. The kidneys are attached on their sleeves at the rear body panel. The upper pole of the left kidney is (lying down) at the height of the 11th Rib, the lower pole at the height of about 2 to 3 Lumbar vertebra. The right kidney is slightly lower. When people are standing a little lower down the kidneys. During the breathing move to the kidneys: Go down during inhalation and up during exhalation.

In the immediate vicinity of the kidneys are many organs. On the upper poles of each of the two kidneys, some turned to the spine, they lie on the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands and kidneys are involved together in the fat capsule and surrounded by the outer capsule. The anterior leaf of the capsule is located directly on the peritoneum from the rear, the rear leaf borders from kidney and adrenal gland against the back muscles and spine. Towards the top, the rich kidney closer to the diaphragm. Forward and downward limits of the kidney a whole series of organs.

    On the right is a large part of the kidney covered (diagonally from top and front) of the liver. The middle portion of the kidney and the Nierenhilum lies immediately adjacent to the duodenum (duodenum). Next to it sets the right colon flexure in the kidney, while adjacent small bowel loops at the lower pole of the right kidney.
    On the left side of the ratios are even more varied. About the middle of the front surface of the kidney pulls the pancreas (pancreatic) away. It is also grown with her. The spleen is bordered diagonally from the top of the left kidney adjacent. The front neighborhood above the pancreas is the stomach, while below the pancreas, you wear the small intestine. In addition, before the time runs left kidney, the right colonic flexure.

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